Emergency Dentistry
Dental emergencies
Dental emergency can be sudden pain or discomfort from an injury or from a longstanding problem. Either way, an urgent dental care is needed to provide relief and to avoid any further consequence to the oral health and function.
Dental emergency includes severe toothache, dental abscess, chipped or fractured teeth, impacted teeth, loose or broken fillings, lost or dislodged crown, broken dentures and more.
As dental emergency can not only be uncomfortable but also affect your smile, please contact our office immediately for care. We will make every effort to see you as promptly as possible.
Dental emergency tips
For a knocked-out or dislodged adult tooth, try to keep it moist at all times. Try to keep it between your cheek and gums or in milk.
For a cracked tooth, rinse the mouth with warm water and put an ice pack on the face to keep the swelling down.
For objects stuck in the mouth, use floss to gently remove it but do not use any pointed or sharp instruments.
If you bite your tongue or lip, gently clean the area with water and apply a cold compress.

Get in touch
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00am - 3:30pm