Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry

If a damaged tooth is causing you pain or discomfort, or a missing tooth is affecting your ability to chew and speak, we offer restorative treatments to improve your health and quality of life. At Elevate Dental Wellness, we focus on restoring your smile and preventing further complications by treating the causes of your issues rather than just their symptoms. We offer treatments like ceramic fillings, crowns, and bridges to support the structure of your teeth, strengthen them, and repair damage.

Dental fillings

Dental fillings can restore the form and function of your smile if you have a decayed tooth. By removing the decayed enamel and dentin from your tooth and filling the empty space with a bio-active insulating base material and ceramic, Dr. Larsen can restore your natural bite and your smile. It only takes a quick, 1-2 hour appointment to have a tooth filled at our office, and we offer essential oil aromatherapy and blankets to keep you comfortable.

We exclusively use ceramic fillings at Elevate Dental Wellness. These fillings are made out of biocompatible porcelain which mimics the natural function and look of enamel, and offers better aesthetic results when compared to traditional metal amalgam fillings. They also do not contain any mercury and require the removal of less of your natural enamel while the filling is being placed.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are often the best option for restoring seriously damaged teeth. Crowns can be used to repair cavities that are too big for fillings, protect fractured teeth, or to repair teeth that have been damaged by oral trauma. Crowns are designed to cover up and replace the entire enamel structure of your tooth.

Just like dental fillings, we exclusively use ceramic crowns at Elevate Dental Wellness. The crown will be matched to your neighboring teeth to avoid being distinguished. Next, your crown will be fabricated by a dental laboratory. Dr. Larsen will check the crown and make sure it fits seamlessly, then she will make minor adjustments, if necessary. To finish the treatment, your crown will be bonded into place.

Dental bridges

If one or a few of your teeth have fallen out, it is not just a problem with appearance — gaps in your teeth may cause your remaining teeth to shift. This may lead to extra tension when you bite, pain when you chew, or even trouble speaking. A bridge improves the health and appearance of your smile by filling in gaps using a false tooth that is supported by either dental implants, your natural teeth, or both.

Full and partial dentures

Partial dentures are often used to replace one or more missing teeth temporarily until a permanent solution like a dental bridge or a dental implant can be placed, but some patients choose partial dentures for long-term smile restoration. Partial dentures consist of a framework that supports one or more false teeth. Partials typically have a metal framework, but we offer options that are metal free! This appliance is designed to clip onto your remaining healthy teeth to restore your smile.

‍Full dentures restore the entire upper, lower, or both arches of your teeth, and are only recommended if you’ve lost most or all of your teeth because they are designed to fit directly over your gums. For this reason, full dentures require the removal of any remaining teeth before your dentures can be fitted. Full dentures are an economical and fast way to get your smile back if you have suffered from serious oral trauma, advanced decay, or gum disease. Full dentures are often recommended with dental implants.


Excessive tooth decay, infection, and crowding can all lead to a tooth needing to be extracted. Most often, extractions are needed to improve the health of a patient’s mouth if there is an issue. Some extractions are necessary if there is no other way to save the tooth in question. Removing teeth can be a simple and quick procedure. At Elevate Dental Wellness, we also provide bone grafting to preserve the bone for tooth replacement options in the future.

woman in black tank top holding white textile
woman in black tank top holding white textile